Work Sample Media File Standards

If your MFA work is time-based, you may submit 3-5 time-based works in place of the required 20 images. You may also upload images to document your work.

Video File Name Standard:

Required: Use number from Work Sample Identification List in thesis PDF

First initial last name_thesis_ videoX (number from work sample list in thesis pdf)_year of graduation.file extension
Example: jdoe_thesis_video2_2021.mp4

Audio File Name Standard:

Required: Use number from Work Sample Identification List in thesis PDF

First initial last name_thesis_ audioX (number from work sample list in thesis pdf)_year of graduation.file extension
Example: jdoe_thesis_audio2_2021.wav

Metadata Requirements:

You will be asked to provide the following information for each work sample submitted:

  1. the title of the work
  2. medium or media
  3. year of completion
  4. duration
  5. and a brief description (up to 300-characters).

Media File Specifications

Submissions are required to follow the MCAD Format Recommendations for Archiving of Student Work and should be saved as .mp4 in their highest frame and audio rate and compression. If your work is audio-only, please follow format recommendations in the link above for audio work.