Work Sample Image File Standards

Twenty (20) images

If you are fulfilling the work sample requirement with videos, you may also upload images to document your thesis work.

Images need to be uploaded individually along with descriptive metadata. You may include detail images of pieces or installation views and do not need to document every page of a photo or comic book.

Image File Name Standard:

Required: Use image number from Work Sample Identification List in thesis PDF

First initial last name_thesis_imageX (image number from work sample list in thesis pdf)_year of graduation.jpg
Example: jdoe_thesis_image12_2021.jpg

Metadata Requirements:

You will be asked to provide the following information for each work sample submitted:

  1. the title of the work
  2. medium or media
  3. year of completion
  4. dimensions of the actual image or object (height x width (x depth, if applicable))
  5. and a brief description (up to 300-characters).

File Specifications

Image files must be saved in JPEG format at 300ppi and 1920 pixels at the longest side in RGB color mode.

Specification are based on the MCAD Format Recommendations for Archiving of Student Work.

Large Images

Although our system will accept larger image files, it does have limits. Larger images will take longer to upload. If you experience problems, please try at another time and then contact Amy Naughton Becker, Library Director.

Connection Errors

There may be certain times of day when uploading an image works better than others. You may notice a difference in upload times between images of the same size. This variability comes from the nature of the Internet, and may be due to multiple students uploading at the same time. Uploading files on campus will be faster than from off campus. You are welcome to come into the Library and use the lab computers.

  1. Bandwidth: Several applicants trying to upload images at the same time, or overall heavy internet traffic can make things slow - try uploading again at a different time.
  2. Connection: A bad connection between your phone, wireless, cable, or network and your ISP (internet service provider) may be the problem - by disconnecting and reconnecting to the internet, you may be able to establish a better connection.
  3. Memory: Restarting your computer and clearing your browser's memory cache will free up memory and may speed things up. It's also a good idea to quit from other applications before uploading, since these use up available memory as well.